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Kona Peace Day

United Nations International Day of Peace, aka “Peace Day,” was established by the UN in 1981 with the ideal of building a global culture of peace (

This year the Pacific Rim Education Foundation ( is helping publicize several activities intended to help nurture in Kona a culture, and a community, of peace. These include:

1)A Minute of Silence, a Moment of Peace. Join a global wave of persons spending one minute in silence at noon in each time zone ( , under “minute of silence, moment of peace.”)*

Honoring this moment, a number of Kona houses of worship will conduct a Ringing of the Bells at noon.

2)Service for Peace. Undertake a small act of unusual service for another.*

3)Reconciliation for Peace. In the Spirit of Aloha, reach out to someone with whom you have had difficulty. A moment to love your enemy.*

4)Peaceful Listening. Listen quietly, openly and empathetically to another.*

5)Peace Practice. If you have your own spiritual practice, dedicate it on this day to the healing and reconciliation of the world.*

6) Yoga for Peace. Join a class on the oceanfront lawn at the Kona Beach Hotel from 5:00-6:00pm, led by Marya Mann of the Hotel Yoga Studio.

7)Gather for Peace, at a potluck dinner at 7:00pm at the Kona Outdoor Circle, 76-6280 Kuakini Highway (at its southern end). Bring a dish to share and enjoy a brief talk by Reverend Virginia Barnes of Kona’s Aloha Center. Please RSVP Betsy at 987 6510.

8)Join in the 22nd annual Candlelight Peace Walk. Held SUNDAY night, September 23 at 7:00pm, starting on the lawn at Huggo’s Restaurant and ending at the Kailua Pier.

Peace Day offers the chance to build in Kona a Culture and Community of Peace based on small actions by many people. Be one who nurtures peace within, and one who brings peace to others. We each have a role to play!

“I believe that if one person gains spiritually, the whole world gains with him…”

-Mahatma Gandhi

*If you undertake one or more of these steps, please let others know by posting on the Pacific Rim Facebook page “Prefpeace Pacific Rim Education Foundation” and share what you have done for Peace Day.



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